Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer Camp Recap

The lovely Ms. Denise Polvay, subject of my LBM Summer Camp Slideshow presentation and light of my heart.

August is ending, and now enough digestion time has passed for me to share some of the awesomeness of Summer Camp with you. It isn't even going to be some eloquent reflection, It's just that I've finally stopped wringing my hands and feeling an intense sadness every time I remember that Camp is over. Because it was really something special (Just like Denise up there.)

This July, I was able to participate as a camper at the Little Brown Mushroom Summer Camp for Socially Awkward Storytellers. Here's the group photo of the Campers and Staff that you'll find accompanying nearly all the press surrounding the event:
Look at all these stunningly attractive people.
And here are links to a lot of that press. It's a little overwhelming:
mnartists blog
Knight Arts
MPR News 
BBC News in Pictures
The Star Tribune (Mary Abbe quotes me!)
Camp recaps from Alec and Julian

And finally, the article that was put together by two Japanese journalists who shadowed the Camp for a few days for IMA Magazine. Here's a pdf: [link]

I definitely feel very enriched by, and grateful for, having had the chance to come together with these talented people for a time of officially sanctioned art making and story telling. I don't know if I can articulate the feeling well enough to say more than that, for now.


Anyhow, more recap posts are forthcoming, because it's been an eventful summer.